The National Safety Council reports that annually, 1.6 million crashes occur due to cell phone usage while driving. Additionally, at any moment throughout the day, an estimated 660,000 drivers are found attempting to use their phones while operating a vehicle.
Maintaining hands-free driving is imperative for ensuring driver safety and preventing road fatalities. In states such as Tennessee, the THSO is launching campaigns to crack down on distracted driving through heightened enforcement. These campaigns include bus tours spanning across Nashville, Memphis, Chattanooga, and Knoxville.

According to the Department of Safety & Homeland Security, the Tennessee Highway Safety Office (THSO) has partnered with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Tennessee Highway Patrol (THP), Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT), local law enforcement, and other safety partners for "Operation Hands Free" to crack down on violators of Tennessee's Hands-Free Law during National Distracted Driving Awareness Month.

TEL strongly advocates for safe driving practices, making sure we consistently share safety tips and encourage drivers to make wise decisions when it comes to navigating the roads.
Learn more about the Tennessee Hands Free Law and read the full bill here.