Transport Enterprise Leasing (TEL) marked its 20th anniversary on October 20, 2024, celebrating two decades of growth in commercial truck and trailer leasing and sales.
TEL began in September 2004 with used truck sales and has since expanded to include four divisions: truck leasing, trailer leasing, equipment sales, and remarketing for owner-operators and fleets nationwide. The workforce has grown from two employees to over 150, with additional hires underway at the renovated Chattanooga headquarters and the Greenfield, IN, facility.
"Our growth, especially with Greenfield opening in 2023 and expanding assets, has been incredible," Alexander shared. "But the best part of TEL remains our relationships with customers, dealers, and our team."
In the past two years, TEL expanded with the Greenfield facility’s 2023 opening, adding new assets, customers, and territories. TEL’s assets now total $595 million, up from $382 million last year. President Jud Alexander noted, “The most rewarding part of this business remains working with our dedicated team, owner-operators, fleets, and partners.”
TEL held anniversary celebrations for employees in Tennessee and Indiana, though 2024 was marked by the passing of Co-founder and CEO Doug Carmichael in June. COO Sheri Aaberg commended Alexander and TEL’s team for sustaining smooth operations, honoring Carmichael’s legacy in the transportation industry.
Featured in: Monitor Daily, Equipment Finance Advisor, Equipment Leasing and Finance Association, The Trucker, Tennessee Trucking Association, Hancock Economic Development Council (Indiana), and Chattanooga Area Chamber of Commerce (Tennessee).