The World Trade International Bridge, a vital connection between Laredo, Texas, and Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, is one of four international bridges facilitating trade and travel between the United States and Mexico. To enhance safety and efficiency, the following updates have been shared by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

Key Updates for Drivers:
No CBP Agents at X-Ray Machines:
Drivers, please note that CBP agents will no longer provide verbal instructions at the X-ray machines. Watch for the traffic signals:
- Red Signal: Stop.
- Green Signal: Proceed safely.
Have Your QR Code Ready:
Presenting your QR code promptly at the crossing can greatly reduce wait times and improve traffic flow.
These changes aim to streamline the crossing process and reduce delays. Drivers are encouraged to stay vigilant, follow all signals, and prepare their documentation ahead of time for a smoother experience.
This information is Courtesy of our friends at the Laredo Motor Carriers Association (LMCA).